Dentist in Mascot

Whether you need to treat a cavity, extract a tooth, replace a pearly white or clean plaque-riddled teeth, our team at Healthy Smile Centre are here to help you. We offer a variety of treatments in Mascot geared to all types of patients.
What do we offer?
The dentist in Mascot comprises of a team of specialised, trained to attend to your needs, however big or small your problems are.
We prevent the onslaught of gum disease.
Most of the daily issue that we see is caused by inadequate dental care and hygiene. The role of our hygienist is to not only remove harmful, disease-causing bacteria with a professional clean but also to teach our patients to incorporate effective brushing techniques for optimal dental health in the future
We straighten crooked teeth.
Braces are not just for children, but adults too! Modern straightening aids in Mascot are designed using smaller metal brackets and are therefore more discreet than they were in the past.
All devices are user-friendly too! Gain straight teeth without having to experience painful mouth sores and irritations caused by metal.
We replace missing teeth
Have you lost some teeth because of a hard knock to your mouth or due to lifelong neglect? Restore your lovely smile with dental implants.
Implants are the most convenient-to-wear restoration device on the market! Comprising of a metal titanium screw that we insert into your jaw, tooth implants look and function like real teeth.
We make your teeth look better than ever.
Not all of the treatments we offer improve your oral health, but they do improve your quality of life in other ways.
Have unsightly yellow teeth that you cause you much shame? By lightening your teeth by up to eight shades, we can transform your smile with teeth whitening. Design your Colgate-equivalent smile with us!
Tooth extraction in Mascot
No one likes the idea of losing a tooth, but for the sake of your mouth, tooth extraction might become your only option. Have it done safely with us, with as minimal discomfort as possible using modern anaesthetics
Let us help you
An unhealthy mouth can affect many aspects of your life, not just physically. Let us take care of your needs with our quality treatments that we serve with a smile.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you. Contact us for more information